About us

I can't remember the first time I ever picked up a needle and thread, but it must have been around 4 or 5 years of age. I do remember the first thing I made, however, it was a little stuffed horse made out of scraps my mother had in her pile.  Growing up, both my grandmothers as well as my mother taught me all forms of needle arts. First up was embroidery, samplers and tea towels ( old fashioned, I know, but the skills were invaluable), then moving on to needlepoint, knitting, crochet, and finally, being allowed to use the sewing machine!! I was hooked at that moment!  While my mother learned to sew out of the necessity to save money on clothing for her only daughter in a family with 2 boys, I sewed for pleasure, and the enjoyment of being able to create something that was uniquely my own.  I actually received my first sewing machine to call my own for my high school graduation. 

  Who would have dreamed that this would be where I would ultimately end up today? I have done custom work for celebrity clients, sewn for the movie industry, and have even worked for Cirque du Soleil, but I always loved designing and sewing children's clothes best of all.  I have an obsession with vintage style children's clothing, and i also like to switch it up with modern fabric choices as well.

  Why or what is Popsibiddle you ask?  Well, when my daughter was tiny, and learning to talk,  words kind of got scrambled in unique ways ( as most kids do!) in order for to use the sounds that she was capable of making. Thus "hospital" became "hosabiddle" and "popsicle" became "popsibiddle"!  That, along with her obsession with penguins, is what created this shop today!  You'll notice on the logo the penguin is holding a popsicle!

 I hope you enjoy my little shop!